Black bags are undeniably staples. And like the Little Black Dress, there are few things more iconic in the handbag world than the Little Black Bag. (Read: Little Black Bag: The Ultimate Versatility Bag.) Black works with almost anything because it’s so versatile. Whether you’re wearing black, pastels, metallics, or bold primary colors, it’s almost impossible to go wrong with a trusty black bag. But sometimes black gets a little, well, tiring.
This is why variety is nice. But if you’re in the market for another versatile bag, you may be looking for a color that can have a similar effect as black. Something that may be neutral, or easily pair with your outfit, or is even just a classic fashionable color. With the brand’s whole array of colors, Hermès is the place to look for inspiration. So let’s take a look at some color groups as alternative to black, shall we?


Deep Blues
Bleu Nuit







Warm Neutrals
PurseBop is a relative newcomer to the allure of neutrals but frankly has fallen hook, line and sinker for the concept. Be forewarned a reveal of a new one is coming… one not covered in this article. But for now, here are some of the tried and true neutral alternatives to black.




Classic Reds
Rouge Casaque


Rouge H

Rouge Grenat

What’s your favorite Hermès black alternative? Tell us below!
Read related articles:
Neutrals vs Colors: Which Have the Better Cost Per Wear?
New Season, New Hermès Colors: Hints about the Tints
Shades of Hermes Gray for the Color-Lover
POLL: What’s the Favorite Hermes Neutral Color?
Love PurseBop
Updated: April 8th, 2019