Before you even started buying bags, the idea that black is the best neutral and most essential staple was probably already engrained in your head. PurseBop has even argued that every girl needs a LBB (Little Black Bag). We’ve convinced ourselves that you can’t go wrong with a simple, black bag. While black can indeed be a wardrobe savior, we can’t help but ponder why we are so obsessed with picking black over so many other colors as the “go-to” option. Some people even exclusively stick to black bags, which is interesting considering that there are many other practical and versatile colors available. PurseBop is here to investigate the many reasons why black is the most popular handbag color. Let’s take a closer look at why black will always be the new black…

Color Psychology
Let’s start with a little scientific investigation! Optically, black is the absence of light. In the visible spectrum, black absorbs all light and is the absence of color. So technically, black is not a “color” by definition. This being said, maybe black is the perfect, neutral statement. For people who can’t pick a favorite color or are fearful of colors clashing, black isn’t really a color and won’t really make a color statement.
Psychologically, black is a color associated with really powerful concepts such as elegance, stability, authority, and even death. Most people see black as a sophisticated, formal color. Black is a color that makes people feel polished and in control. For some reason, black is considered more expensive looking and luxurious than other colors.
Black effortlessly has a chic and commanding effect, which is why people may gravitate towards it.

Photo Courtesy: SlideShare.net
As we’ve established black is truly neutral and not a statement of color, so it is one of the most versatile shades. While the style of bag plays a factor of whether a bag can work well with a look, overall, black is suited for many occasions. Black works well for everyday bags because isn’t too overpowering and usually doesn’t look out of place in the daytime. Black also easily transitions well to nighttime looks because of its formality and sophistication. Black can be all-purpose and help us narrow down our decisions when it comes to pairing things together.


Getting It Right
From a consumer perspective, black may seem like an easy choice. However, when it comes to production, black can be a difficult color to master. Sometimes, it can be hard to create a black pigment or dye that is dark and intense enough. Designers spend lots of time creating the perfect shade of black.
Since black is such a sought after color and always in high demand, it is difficult to find a black bag in exclusive or limited edition styles. For example, Hermes offers many “nearly black” shades with hints of gray or other colors, but it is very hard to get your hands on a purely black Birkin or Kelly. The” So Black” trend of handbags with black leather and black hardware was so successful and highly coveted because the all black effect is chic and extremely versatile.
Finding a great black bag makes us feel like we are really making the “right” choice because we’ve come to learn that it is a easy, ideal color.


Hermes Black Collection from @mrslulu3
Time for a Change?
There are many logical reasons and advantages for purchasing black bags. However, if you’ve caught the bug of only reaching for black bags, there’s no harm in introducing some new colors into your wardrobe! If you simply need a bag that will match with everything, there are many other versatile colors like tan, cream, gray, and brown. If you’re worried that you won’t use any other color aside from black, buy a bright color and let yourself know it’s ok if it doesn’t get used everyday. Experiment with every shade and hue! If you find black to be your holy grail color, then it’s ok to stick with that too!

What color do you tend to pick the most for your handbags? Do you try to experiment with bright colors or keep it neutral?
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Updated: June 27th, 2017
6 Responses to “Why is Black the Most Popular Handbag Color?”
Heavens…I am the minority. I only have one.
pink, I am with you. One black birkin. (Oh I forgot my Magritte L’humour, but that is a collectible-type bag that only came in black.)
hahahaha me too!! (not counting black AMQ clutch with gold studs)
I am all about black bags – all black except a H trim in gold :). tried colour and it just didn’t work for me, don’t feel comfy and doesn’t suit my clothing style
Blue…I find blue to be just as versatile as black, brown, and beige.
I recently bought the black Diorever medium with GHW. However I exchanged it the next day for the light beige, as in this colour you can see the two different leathers. I think black is great, but it depends on the bag. I also bought a silver Fendi peekaboo which also goes with pretty much everything. The darker shades reminded me of a school satchel ..